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Church of San Francesco d'Assisi

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Incorporated between the Franciscan monastery and the Confraternity of Santa Maria Visitapoveri, the outside looks like a simple building, without molding, pediment and entablature. Probably the original gable was demolished in 1809, following the enactment of repressive laws of Joachim Murat. The church has a single nave with an apse, with no transept. Along the right wall of the nave are four chapels, communicating through a narrow passage. The ceiling is vaulted and is richly decorated with stucco. In the apse has a concave curved shaped window. In the right side chapels are kept the original floors. The material with which the Church was built of tufa stone with painted plaster. In church we find: beautiful paintings of the "Via Crucis" of the eighteenth century., A painting by an unknown painter of the seventeenth century represents a "Miracle of St. Clare," eighteenth-century altarpiece, attributed to a pupil of Luca Giordano, illustrates the "Pardon of Assisi , "a painting" Deposition "by Massimo Stanzione half of the seventeenth century.," the Birth of the Virgin "by Carlo Ferrazzano (1768), two paintings" Adoration of the Shepherds "Ferrazzano and" Annunciation "Massimo Stanzione, an unknown sculptor statue of the saint 1723, paintings by Philip Ceppaluni (1723) "Miracle of St. Antonio ", " S. Anthony preaches to the fish, "a painting by Evangelista Schiano (1777) depicting the" scene of Calvary "on which is superimposed a polychrome wooden crucifix, the six paintings Ceppaluni" Mercy "," Descent, "" Birth of the Virgin, "" The Annunciation", " Ecstasy of St. Francesco "," S. Francesco receiving the stigmata ".

Historical-critical news

Founded after the creation of the monastery Franciscan Reform, was built in 1646 with the support of the people and the University of Forio, to fulfill a vow made during the plague, which raged at that time in Forio. The Augustinians were expelled from the monastery following the rescue of the bubble "inter coetera" issued in 1649 by Innocent X Pope and the Franciscans had free rein in the work of spiritual support community forian, in the spirit of the Counter-Reformation and the renewal of the Church. With this in mind you place the continuous support that the University of Forio allows the convent and church of the Franciscans (Delight, p. 219), set against that of Visitapoveri. And to be able to build the Confraternity yielded a three-room building, in exchange for which the University undertook to build a chapel with a mass grave to bury the brothers (Delight, p. 220 and luster, p. 29, p . 31). In 1866 the religious activities were interrupted by the law of suppression of the monasteries, so the western wing of the cloister was set to Town Hall, while the local church and some of the few monks were left behind.
Mappa della Chiesa di San Francesco d'Assisi


Address: Piazza Municipio
City Hall: 80075 - Forio
Period of foundation: XVII cent.
Date: 1666
Holy Masses hours: sun 8:30
Priest: ---
Bus lines: 1 - 14 - 2 - CD - CS

Objets d'art



  • Immacolata Concezione by Pino Marco


  • La Vergine dà la regola a S. Francesco by Simonelli Giuseppe
  • Compianto sul Cristo morto by Ceppaluni Filippo
  • Deposizione by Ceppaluni Filippo
  • Compianto sul Cristo morto by Preti Mattia
  • Nascita della Vergine by Ceppaluni Filippo
  • Annunciazione byCeppaluni Filippo
  • Sacra Famiglia con S. Anna e S. Gioacchino by Manecchia Anna Maria
  • Nascita di S. Francesco by Ferrazzano Carlo
  • Deposizione dalla croce unknown author
  • S. Francesco riceve le stimmate by Ceppaluni Filippo
  • Estasi di S. Francesco by Ceppaluni Filippo
  • Annunciazione unknown author
  • S. Antonio predica ai pesci by Ceppaluni Filippo
  • Miracolo di Sant'Antonio by Ceppaluni Filippo
  • Il Calvario by Schiano Evangelista


  • Il Calvario unknown author



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